Thursday, January 14, 2010


what to do?
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  1. Did you open it yet??? Can you get the thingy that makes the pods?
    P.S. I think it likes you!

  2. It's beautiful....I can see so many great converstations happening over fresh brewed goodness. It's yours.

  3. Keep it! If I lived in Branson still, I'd start drinking coffee just so I could be one of your friends you would invite over and bake scones for and have great conversations with!

  4. Keep it - you'll regret it if you don't. If you don't want caffeine, fine - share your creations with bodee. In the surgeon's office yesterday, I read an article supporting at least one cup of coffee a day - heart, cancer (hmmm - runs together for me these days) daily coffee reduces the risk of one of them (per the hospital newsletter...) Just think, you'd be adding to my years and enhancing my health. - Bodee

  5. I vote keep it! Even though I don't drink coffee, espresso, or any of that stuff, it is a beautiful piece of equipment! YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! LIVE IT UP WHILE YOU CAN!
